Waves of legality, waves of citizenship

International youth exchange – Palermo, Italy, 17–25 May 2013

The “Giovanni Falcone Foundation” has organized every year since 1993 the celebration connected to the anniversary of the murder of Giovanni Falcone, the antimafia judge killed by mafia on the 23rd of May 1992. Following the example of Giovanni Falcone, whose commitment was not only addressed to counter organized crime by means of the law enforcement system but also to promote civil rights and active citizenship of young people, the Foundation has addressed its activities to mainly promote a new culture and new social awareness among young people.

The project aims to reinforce role of organized civil society combating, preventing crime and foster co-operation between law enforcement system and civil society in Europe. It will involve participants from 6 countries in activities connected to culture of legality, civic commitment, promotion and awareness on active citizenship towards crime prevention.

The project is focused on 2 main activities:

  1. International seminar on the role of civil society in combating and preventing crime and cooperation with law enforcement institutions.
  2. Events related with participation to the celebrations connected with the 21st anniversary of the Judge Falcone murder by mafia, called „Boat of Legality“. This event normally brings 3.000 Italian students to the celebrations: In 2011 it involved 40 European citizens and had a wide media coverage, with more than 800 accredited journalist from all over the world, thus providing high visibility to the project and to the EfC programme.

Project will foresee also a survey on perception of crime on different countries and 1 evaluation meeting on methods to communicate education to legality. Coordination meeting and mid -term evaluation will be held online. Aim of the project is gather together different stakeholders already active in education to legality, restorative justice and rehabilitation programme with Youth at risk (including young offenders) by means of different activities in order to give them the possibility to share methods, good practices, and knowledge connected with crime prevention, education, promotion to legality and awareness about active citizenship. This will be the tool to establish a network on education to legality. The involvement of youngsters with fewer opportunities, especially minor offenders, joining restorative justice programme and organization working with them will represent high educational value in their personal development process and for the project itself.