EVS v Portugalsku, tentorkát v Amarante (1.7.2018-31.5.2019)
Dobrovolníci budou v Aventura Marão Clube. Info: Themes: International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation (mainly promoting Fair Trade), Youth (Participation and mobility, Youth Work) and Environment and climate change (organic farming, local products, sustainable tourism, etc.)
- Raise awareness about Fair Trade principles and values (volunteering, solidarity, respect for diversity);
- Support the campaign “Amarante sustentável” that stands for the promotion and consumption of local, organic and fair products;
- Support Equação, Crl's local associates (AMC, Reviravolta and Cor de Tangerina);
- Support project about sustainable tourism in the river Ôlo valley (mainly by implementing environmental awareness actions about nature and sports);
- Raise the spirit of cooperation among youngsters and between them and the community, fostering the values of solidarity (in the spirit of the European Solidarity Corps) and mutual understanding between people from different cultures.
- awareness raising sessions about fair trade and organic farming in schools;
- support the local youth centre (Casa da Juventude de Amarante) activtiies and cultural agenda;
- support the local social institutions (primary schools, disable centre, elderly centre, orphanage);
- support activities under specific ongoing projects (sustainable tourism, workcamps about theatre and organic farming);
- support several city activities (social and cultural events).
Více informací o hostující organizaci na http://www.aventuramaraoclube.com/informacao.html
V případě zájmu napište na email alena.jeslinkova@gmail.com
Přiložené soubory
- Info-pack [pdf]